Hi people,
Art lovers throughout the world.
My name is JohnEdwe. I am an Abstract Collectivist artist. My purpose here is to give you a better insight into what’s going on in my paintings. And today, I want to share my world with you and dialogue. Especially you that routinely visit my websites and every art lover across the globe.
Today the world seems hopeless, but for us artists, the world is and always will be; despite all those wars, famines, and sufferings. We think better days are ahead. We artists are optimistic. Abstract Collectivism introduces a new way of producing and understanding art,
Let’s not wait
- What is abstract Collectivism?
All over history, art has been a witness to our present time. The cave dwellers drew on the wall to portray their environment, concern, way of living, and relationship with the wildlife and the flora. Later in antiquity, the Romans and the Greeks described their situations and environment. In middle age, religious painting was the standard; the many styles and schools were all influenced by the moment they lived. There was no projection into the future nor return to the past. Even when you see the fresco relating ancient prophets or old scenes, they executed them in the present. That was a way for them to push their faith to present the state of their belief.
Later came the modern time, but it was the same thing; the present was persistent in depicting reality. Whatever style artists were working, realist, abstract, etc.
One thing is sure, to be relevant. It would be best if you address your time. Because of the challenge of our time, this is where Abstract Collectivism intervenes and gives itself a new purpose to make images relevant again. Make people interested again, but how/?
That will be our next posting.
Thank you to all our supporters
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