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Abstract Collectivism

Hi everybody, after a long pause due to multiple factors, we are again with our beautiful topic: Abstract Collectivism.
In our last posts, we concluded that Abstract Collectivism makes images relevant.

However, the question is:
How Abstract Collectivism intervenes and makes images relevant?
1- by being relevant
2- by being authentic
2- by using the imagination
3- by using appropriation
4- …..
6- …
and more

Before we explain, let us ask some questions
How to make relevant art?
1- What is relevant mean?
According to the dictionary, there are two definitions
1- closely connected.
2- appropriate to contemporary interest’s current time, period, or circumstances.
The second definition is more relevant to us.
Before we continue, we understand that relevance is relative; for each, relevant things vary. What can be suitable for one cannot be for another one.
An example, a painter may paint something like a beautiful landscape in a war-torn terrain. This painting might not add any concern for the present moment, even though it is for other people. For the artist, it may mean a desire for a better time or nostalgia.
That means relevance is very delicate, and relative each individual looks at it differently.

And about the public.
Can the public judge that this piece of art is relevant?
It is relative to what we understand: art is not an exact science. There is more than that. Then what to do?

Be authentic.
What does that mean to be authentic?
Being authentic entails knowing ourselves.
The artist must be congruent with his/her values and desires despite external pressures to social conformity. Like Sartre,” We are always free to transform our lives through our decisions.”

Be true.
Simple hein!
So one thing is sure. A relevant painting can add significant value to a specific location, moment, person, or anything. It can make it vibrate and resonate more for a better human experience.
Authenticity inspires engagement. People swim away from those who exclude self-confidence and passion. Filled with Authenticity, the artist will boast a level of gravitas that will boost the team to follow his/her lead.

Then the first two things we learn about Abstract Collectivism are Authenticity and relevance.
In our next post: Using our imagination
If anyone wants to explore Abstract Collectivism, visit: johnedwe. online or

Thanks, everyone

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